Yi-Ping PONG
Yi-ping PONG (Peng Yiping) graduated from the Department of History, National Taiwan University, and holds a Ph. D. from the Department of Cinema and Television, Institute of Plastic Arts, Universite Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne. She specializes in screenplay, documentary making and film study, and has conducted interdisciplinary artistic creation as an artist, photographer, author, curator, documentary, director, etc.

Artist's Bio
Yi-ping PONG majored in History at National Taiwan University, Ph.D in "Cinema and Audiovisual" at University Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne.Mastering in French, Japanese, English, German and Latin, PONG is a life artist passionate about film, art, travel, cuisine and music. She’s also a transdisciplinary artist, an art collector, photographer, writer and film critic. Artist director of Refinement Hall ( Feng Ya Tang ). CEO of Friendly Cat Co., Ltd. PONG has published numerous photographical literature books, and many solo exhibitions have been held. Awarded by Ministry of Culture, Dept.of Cultural Affairs of Taipei City Gov., and The National Culture and Arts Foundation. She is specialized in script writing, documentary filming and research on movies. With her profound study on Japanese and French cultures, she completed many journals and books about them. She was invited to a forum held by Gallery Sowaka, Kyoto and gave lectures in Japanese.